Thursday, May 5, 2016


When thinking of showing an alternative world for an existing intellectual property, I don't think of only changing setting. For this class, I watched a version of Hamlet that took place in modern times. When describing this film, it's difficult to say the least. The version I watched literally the only thing that changed is the time of the play, all lines said by characters are the same for the most part. While the story is cut down a little bit, and lines are edited, many of them are not, and come directly from the playbook. Not a moment went by while watching this film that didn't make me question the point of this version existing. Notable actors are in it, but other than that, the viewer has no reason to watch this film over another version of the play set within the correct time zone. When Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead was shown, the film took the play, and turned it on it's head, offering a new point of view, and mindset when thinking about it.

With alternative versions, one of the better pairs to show from this class would be True Grit the film versions. The dialog was different for the most part, but basically the same thing was being said by each character in each scene. Things were omitted on each side, but, when it comes down to it, the different versions showed their relevance by the way each character was portrayed.

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